Happy 4th of July in 2014!

The Skyrockers want to extend a happy 4th of July and thank everyone who attended our fireworks display both in person and on-line – WXOW Channel 19 was gracious enough to not only live-stream the event but also record our show for posterity, which you can find below!

We have also updated the “In the News” section of our web site to reflect helpful safety tips from this 4th of July season, as well as additional coverage we received. A big thank you to Kwik Trip for being this year’s sponsor of the 4th of July show!

Also, be sure to keep an eye on our gallery, as a compilation of photos from both the show itself and the preparation will be coming soon.

Thanks for reading, and we look forward to our future shows!

The La Crosse Skyrockers

2014 Summer Update

Greetings, Skyrockers Fans!

IMG_20140514_183054831We have been hard at work, as you can see!  The portable magazine is all spiffed up and ready to go for the summer.  We have a bunch of events coming up, so be sure to keep an eye on the calendar for details!

Happy 2014!!

The Skyrockers would like to thank all of the volunteers and the donors that we have had over the course of 2013 that made sure we could “delight”  the hearts of thousands while welcoming in the new year!

We could not have done without you!