Skyrockers Update: Summer 2013 Edition

Greetings, Skyrockers Members and Fans!

We may have been very quiet on the web site for the past six months, but rest assured, we sure have been busy!  Here is just a taste of what we have coming up over the month of June; click on the name of the event for more information!

Big Bang with the La Crosse Skyrockers Children’s Program

Freedom Fest 2013

Festival Foods Salute to the 4th

Be sure to swing by and check out these events that are fun for the whole family!  We hope to see you there.

-Skyrockers Public Relations

PSA: Winter RecFest Cancelled

We just wanted to let everyone know that, due to the lack of snow, the Family night for Winter RecFest is cancelled, and therefore so is the fireworks show that we put on.  Be sure to check back with us to see when our next events are coming up!

Have a good one, and tell your friends to swing by on here and pay us a visit!

-Skyrockers Public Relations

I resolve to…

Greetings Skyrockers Fans!

I just wanted to quick post and apologize to the people that sent me in an e-mail at, as I had not checked the account for a couple of weeks.  There certainly was a 6pm show; I didn’t realize it was so popular!  In the future I am going to be sure to post it as a separate event on the calendar, and check my e-mails at least once a week (especially leading up to the big shows!!!)

That being said, I just want to extend a warm “Happy New Year!” to everyone from all the volunteers that busted (and tried not to freeze!) tail to make the shows happen.  We do it all for your enjoyment!


Skyrockers Public Relations